5000 visitors at the Village des Sciences et de l’Innovation

After Digital(in)Store 2015, it is a completely different public that waited us at Village de la Science at the Antibes Juan-les-Pins Congress Center: Families, kids, people from all ages, each having very different perspectives on what is a Connected Object.

If some are still reluctant to use a Smartphone (don’t even mention a Connected Object !), it is perhaps the youngests who were the most excited about those new technologies. Like this 10 years old girl explaining us simply: « Connected Objects ? That’s easy, those are objects that talk to our phone » .

Our two Key Infuser demonstrators executed very precisly their mission: surprise and prepare a sale:

  • « It’s fabulous ! » exclaimed the girl towards her father.
  • « Where can we buy those products ? » asked severall visitors. They were surprised to learn that the activity tracker, the connected camera were already in sales in shops and high tech boutiques . We can blame them: placed on a shelf, who would realize the full potential of those interactive devices ?


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